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展览回顾 | 山之低语,深时的回响

分类:最新动态  标签:  时间:2024-01-24 21:20:06

无间设计创始人、设计师吴滨应邀亮相法国巴黎时尚家居设计展Maison&Objet 三十周年纪念展,呈现其备受期待的艺术装置《游山记》。透过层层叠叠的纸上皴,“TECH EDEN科技伊甸园”的主题便增添了独特的艺术维度,更以东方视角探索了创新与传统相融合的可能性。随着2024 Maison&Objet 逐渐展开,《游山记》在各地设计师和艺术爱好者的关注下,成为创造力、可持续性,以及东方美学推动的象征。

Wu Bin made a stunning debut in Paris on the opening day, presenting his art installation that captivates the essence of the East. His presence at the exhibition adds a unique dimension to the "Tech Eden" theme,emphasizing the importance of integrating innovation with tradition. As Maison&Objet 2024 unfolds, Wu Bin's art installation stands as a symbol of creativity, sustainability, and a vision for a brighter future.


Paper,an Eastern material, possesses a warm and gentle nature, while is delicate and fragile. Wu’s art installation, “Travelogue on Mountain”,draws inspiration from the ambiance and “Juan Yun Cun” technique (where the lines curl inward, employing sweeping arcs that evoke the rolling and hooking of clouds) of the traditional Chinese painting “Early Spring”. Through the use of paper as the primary material, it expresses the sublime beauty of mountains and rivers.



"Travelogue on Mountain" by Wu Bin offers an Eastern perspective on Deep Time, redefining Earth's history through landscape art. It prompts reflections on the human-nature relationship and inspires contemplation of the future's temporal and spatial dimensions..

Maison&Objet 所提倡的可持续发展理念不谋而合。

Paper,as a vital medium, carries the evolution of East Asian culture. W.DESIGN modernizes this traditional Chinese element, liberating it from its two dimensional confines and transforming it into three-dimensional space. Wander within this realm, meditate, and capture the essence of traditional Chinese culture through a timeless journey amidst ethereal clouds and mountains. This sustainable approach aligns with Maison&Objet's ethos, reflecting a thoughtful blend of technology, nature, and human habitat relationships.



In the interplay of light and shadow within architecture, art emerges in three dimensions, seamlessly blending time, space, and place. It unveils a profound artistic imagination. Within the concealed "blank," a mysterious presence shatters the silence. Through blurred aesthetics, it delves into the harmony between humanity and nature amid the bustling streets of Paris.


正如曾任德国和奥地利文化领事,法国著名艺评人吉恩-路易·波伊特文(Jean-Louis Poitevin)所评论道,“透过《游山记》,吴滨不仅展现了千年来中国绘画和诗歌传统的精神和形式,更进一步为每个人提供了深入接触艺术本质的机会。”
With "Travelogue on Mountains," Wu Bin takes a step further in bringing forth not only the spirit and forms of the millennia-old Chinese pictorial and poetic tradition but also offering everyone the opportunity to experience the concrete intuition that is the essence of art.







前巴黎副市长、法国匠心联盟主席Lyne Cohen-Solal到场参观

法国工业设计协会主席Anne-Marie Sargueil到场参观

左一:时尚行业专家、画廊艺术顾问Marco de Rivera先生;
左二:前巴黎副市长、法国匠心联盟主席Lyne Cohen-Solal;
左四:资深策展人、杂志ArtPremium创始人Corinne Timsit;
右二:法国工业设计协会主席Anne-Marie Sargueil;

Crafted from carefully crumpled traditional Chinese paper covered in black ink to resemble clouds and the earth's entrails, these mountainous masses appear to defy gravity. Dark masses seem to both float in space and define it as the surrounding and containing element of their form. They are not physically connected but are united by the mind, acknowledging that the discontinuity of perceived elements is carried by the inevitable continuity linking everything, maintained by the encompassing cosmos.







Wu Bin guides us on the path we must take to reach these mountains. As with traditional paintings, it is through the mind that we must access the landscape presented here, framed like an open chest containing the universe.





W.DESIGN draws inspiration from Eastern culture, blending tradition with a forward-looking perspective. Flawlessly presents Travelogue on Mountain through MOORGEN's ongoing innovation and dedicated sponsorship. 
As time fades, “Travelogue on Mountain” transforms into cherished memories—a uniquely Eastern romance that endures and echoes through the ages. 




Parc des expositions Paris Nord Villepinte, France
18 January, 2024- 22 January, 2024  















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策划:Bobo Zhou











